"...His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him..." 2Peter 1:3
Again and again I am reminded that the Christian life centers in almost every way around knowledge. My mind is where the Christian life begins. Last week in a discussion time at my youth group several kids confessed they desired to come closer, to know the Lord better, yet it seemed something held them back. The answer to their dilemma was simple: in order to draw near to God, you first must know who He is, a knowledge ONLY attainable through His Word.
God's word is the only starting point for a relationship with Him because it is the only reliable source of His true knowledge. I have prayed many times that God would give me eyes and wisdom into the revelation of Him, and while prayer is essential, the question must be asked: Am I truly studying the information He has given me? Intentionally sitting down, seeking wisdom, and seeking the applicable knowledge of God that I might draw near to Him. God cares about me, and that's why He communicated. Still it must be said that God is not interested in my academic encounter with the Word, although knowledge is important, but a life changing transformation of the mind. God's word is powerful, life changing, fulfilling, and incorruptible, so why would I look anywhere else. It is so easy for me to sit down through class, learn stuff, and not engage. May I be intentional, and desperately hunger for the awesome truth in His word.
"For my hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being, declares the Lord. But to this one will I look, to him who is humble and contrite of Spirit, and who trembles at my Word." Isa. 66:2
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