The Patience of God

on Saturday, February 12, 2011
Reading through Genesis I was newly astounded at God's patience towards Adam and Eve. Not that the story changed, but perhaps I caught a glimpse of my self in Adam and Eve's response to their sinfulness. Adam and Eve although lying and manipulate recieved God's amazingly patient response.

The moment Adam and Eve took part in sin, God knew it. Yet when did he approach them, instantly? If I had just watched my friend make a mistake that would inevitably doom the rest of humanity I would probably have stormed in with a righteous fury! Yet what we see from God is not fire or brimstone but a calm approach still knowing full well the consequences of Adam and Eve's actions. In love He sought restoration tolerating insulting excuses and blame shifting. While he did not leave their sin unpunished he did not forsake them either. With care he acted, seeking their best when sending them out of the garden as well as when He promised them a redeemer.

As my own failures become clearer to me, and especially as I begin to notice my own prideful attitude I am amazed, increasingly awed, by the patience of God. Quite honestly if I am stuck at a stop light too long I become irritated, but God in his patience faithfully bears with me though my own heart is often far from Him. Although I continuously screw up God is patience and caring, I mean that is who He is! What an awesome God I am called to worship! What an awesome God that still patiently cares for me!


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